Required and Recommended Reading
For trainees and anyone ready to take a deep dive into the nervous system, embodiment and trauma recovery.
For Dual Certification Trainees:
Choose ONE of these two books (wonderful to read prior to Module 1):
Trauma Releasing Exercises by Dr. David Berceli – available both in hard copy and e-book in the store of
The revolutionary trauma release process by Dr. David Berceli – available both in hard copy and e-book in the store of
Both of these books (best read between modules as concepts are introduced):
In An Unspoken Voice - Peter Levine
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body - David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper
Choose ONE of these highly recommended books (best read between Modules as concepts are introduced):
Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use It For Good - Kimberly Ann Johnson
Yoga Spandakarika - Daniel Odier
Life on Land: The story of Continuum - Emilie Conrad
YogAlign, Pain free Yoga from Your Inner Core - MIchaelle Edwards
Core Awareness, Revised Edition: Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise, and Dance by Liz Koch
The Psoas Book by Liz Koch
Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection - Deb Dana
Somatic Psychotherapy Toolbox - Manuela Mischke-Reeds
Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine
Emotional Anatomy - Stanley Keleman
For TRE Providers seeking certification in Neurogenic Yoga
Both of these books:
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body - David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper
Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use It For Good - Kimberly Ann Johnson
Optional Reading
Fascia - What it is and why it matters - David Lesondak
Concise Book of Muscles -Chris Jarmey
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration - Penney Pierce
Anatomy Trains - Tom Meyers
The Silent Pulse - George Leonard
The Polyvagal Theory - Stephen Porges
The Trauma Spectrum - Robert Scaer
Healing From Trauma - Jasmin Lee Cori
The Body Bears the Burden - Robert Scaer
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers - Robert Sapolsky
Healing Developmental Trauma - Laurence Heller and Aline Psyd Lapierre
Trauma Proofing Your Kids - Peter Levine
Trauma and the Body - Pat Ogden
Extreme Fear – The Science of Your Mind in Danger -Jeff Wise