Take the next step with us!
Join us for a program designed exclusively for certified TRE Providers who are ready to gain certification in Neurogenic Yoga!
This program is geared specifically for experienced yoga instructors (see prerequisites below) who are already certified as a TRE Provider. You have already experienced the incredible benefits of using TRE with your clients/students, and now you are excited to integrate neurogenic tremoring into your yoga sessions. Our 40-hour program picks up where your TRE training left off and dives deep into yoga movement, breath and embodiment practices geared for nervous system regulation and tension release.
The Neurogenic Yoga Add-On certificate is appropriate for all disciplines of yoga from restorative and therapeutic methods, to vigorous vinyasa and power yoga instructors. This training is designed to enhance your biomechanical and energetic understanding of asana and pranayama in relationship to the body's natural tremor response; not to adopt and teach specific sequencing.
In this 40-hour certificate program you will:
Learn specialized yoga postures, targeted breath techniques, and body-driven movement practices designed to down-regulate the nervous system and prepare for neurogenic tremoring.
Expand your knowledge of fascial release techniques and vagus nerve toning.
Dive deeper into the autonomic nervous system, anatomy and energetics as it relates specifically to facilitating Neurogenic Yoga.
Explore trauma sensitive yoga theories and practices.
Learn how to confidently and competently facilitate Neurogenic Yoga with groups and individuals.
Be supported and guided by experienced trainers and mentors.
200-hour (or more) yoga certification.
Minimum 1-year of teaching experience by the start of the program (individual or group / in-person or online).
Minimum of 50-hours of teaching experience by the start of the program (individual or group / in-person or online).
Certificate of completion issues by TRE International as a TRE Global Provider.
Requirements for certification include successful completion of:
One (1), 3-day Live Online Module: held over one weekend. All participants must participate live in order to become certified.
2-Part Workshops Series - This 2-part series picks up where our training module leaves off including pertinent lectures, practices, and concepts. Attending live is ideal, however you may watch recorded replays if you are unable to join the series live.
(3) Group Supervisions: receive realtime guidance and feedback facilitating Neurogenic Yoga with a small group.
Required reading/video: submit short reviews of required reading.
Program Requirement Timeline
All requirements must be completed within 6 months of the start of the online module.
Meet Your Trainers!
Jennica Mills and Maria Alfaro are along-time TRE Trainers and the Co-Creators of Neurogenic Yoga. Along with TRE founder, Dr. David Berceli, Jennica and Maria have spent years developing this integrative practice. The Neurogenic Yoga training program explores cutting edge methods to bring fresh perspectives on the neurogenic tremoring process.
Jennica Mills, MSW, E-RYT, TRE Certification Trainer
Jennica's extensive work in somatic (body-based) therapies, trauma recovery and sexual wellness gives way to a unique perspective on how we can experience physical, emotional, and mental freedom. She is known for her ability to create an easeful and safe environment for deep and powerful work while providing innovative tools and methods for transformation. Check out Jennica’s website.
Maria Alfaro, E-RYT, TRE Certification Trainer
Since 2004, Maria has taught TRE to thousands of people worldwide and she has facilitated TRE trainings in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. She assisted Dr. Berceli in numerous trainings in the US and in South Africa and she is also one of two lead instructors for Neurogenic Yoga. Check out Maria’s website.
Cost of Program:
Total cost of $1125 includes 3 day module, 2 stand alone workshops, 3 group supervisions and any continuing education classes for graduates that occur within 6 months after your module is complete.
You may choose to pay up front for the entire program or to request a payment plan.
Space is limited. Please note that a $200 non-refundable downpayment is required to secure your spot upon registration.
Additional Fees: $50 application fee & books and media aprox. $85.00